单身毒妈 第七季

原名:Weeds   又名:

状态:8   更新:2023-09-03 02:09:53

美国Showtime电视网于2005年—2012年播出的黑色喜剧电视剧。   该剧讲述了Nancy生活在洛杉矶中产阶级的社区中,日子过得光鲜亮丽,但是面临意外丧失丈夫的打击,为了撑起整个家庭,为了两个可爱的儿子,她选择了在这样一个富人区里贩卖大麻,虽然收益丰厚,却也风险不小。在进货时,她遇见了他,一路上为她挡风遮雨,帮她一起开创事业。After doing three years hard time, Nancy is abruptly released from Federal Prison and transferred to a halfway house in New York City. Meanwhile, Andy, Silas, Shane and Doug, who have all spent the last three years in Copenhagen, are informed by Jill Price-Gray of Nancy's release.
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