该剧改编自 1941 年冬天发生的真实事件。粮食储备不足,供应受阻。被围困的城市饥肠辘辘:职工、家属和儿童每天只能得到125克面包。就在这时,列宁格勒出现了一个从事诈骗和抢劫的团伙。这些罪犯主要从事伪造配给卡的活动。他们的团伙名为ЗИГ ЗАГ «Защита Интересов Германии Знамя Адольфа Гитлера». ,代表 "阿道夫-希特勒捍卫德国利益之旗"。Great Patriotic War, winter 1941. Food supplies have dried up and supplies have been blocked. Besieged Leningrad was dying of hunger: employees, dependents and children were given 125 g of bread per day. It was then that a gang appeared in the city, engaged in fraud and robbery. The criminals were mainly involved in counterfeiting food cards. The name of their gang - \"ZIG ZAG\" - stood for \"Defenders of the Interests of Germany - Banner of Adolf Hitler.\"
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