
原名:恐怖   又名:

状态:独家蓝光   更新:2023-10-31 12:10:02

脳科学の研究者である太田夫妻は、戦前の満州で行われた脳の人体実験のフィルムを入手する。スクリーンには真っ白な光が写っており、偶然部屋をのぞいた二人の幼い娘もその奇妙な映像を目にすることになる。17年後、大学病院に勤めていた姉のみゆき(中村ゆり)が突然姿を消し、妹のかおり(藤井美菜)はその行方を必死に探そうとする。Dr. Hattori and her husband watch footage of brain surgery experiments with Manchurian, Russian and Japanese guinea pigs that had been found in the basement of a wrecked hospital. Out of the blue, there is a white light and when they look back, they see they children Ota Miyuki and Kaori staring at the light. Years later, Miyuki vanishes from the Tama Medical University Hospital and her sister Kaori, Miyuki's boyfriend Motojima and detective Hirasawa are seeking her. However, Miyuki and the teenagers Kazochi, Takumi, Hattori and Rieko have been submitted to a nightmarish experiment by Dr. Hattori and her team with tragic results.
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