
原名:Крутая перемена (Бывший учитель)   又名:

状态:55播放   更新:2023-10-31 09:10:59

从前,安德烈违背家族传统,放弃了教师职业,前往莫斯科。他的生意破产了,唯一的出路就是卖掉家族的房子,据说普希金曾经住在那里。但有一个问题:要做这笔交易,必须征得他父亲的同意,而他父亲正在殖民地服刑,并将责任归咎于儿子。为了改善关系,安德烈偷偷在殖民地的夜校找了一份老师的工作。但这似乎还不够,为了证明自己重返教坛的诚意,安德烈同时在一所普通学校找到了一份文学教师的工作。白天,他向青少年灌输爱美之心;晚上,他向囚犯灌输爱美之心。在哪所学校工作更安全并不总是很清楚。@游目骋观影Once Andrey went against family tradition and, leaving his career as a teacher, left for Moscow. The business went bankrupt, and the only way to improve things was to sell the family house, in which, according to rumors, Pushkin once lived. But there is a problem: in order to make a deal, it is necessary to obtain permission from the father, who is serving time in a colony and blames his son for this. To improve relations, Andrey goes to the trick and gets a job as a teacher in an evening school at the colony. But this, it seems, is not enough, and in order to prove the sincerity of his intentions to return to teaching, Andrey simultaneously gets a job as a teacher of literature in a regular school. During the day, he instills love for beautiful teenagers, and in the evening - for prisoners. And it is not always clear which school is safer to work in.
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