BeHappy是一款通过智能手机购买毒品的秘密隐形应用程序,它的用户面临着一个隐藏在匿名者名下的强大对手。他告诉用户,他已经成功泄露了所有使用过该应用程序的人的数据,现在他给用户一个选择--去警察局坦白一切,或者玩一场死亡游戏。当BeHappy用户们收到一张藏宝人被割喉的照片时,这场游戏中落败者所面临的结局,就一目了然了....\"Offline\" is a psychological drama about people living a double life. In their first public life, they are beautiful, bright and successful. They have families, loved ones, prestigious jobs and an impeccable reputation. But all these are just masks of those who have earned millions from drug trafficking on the web. They know that if the truth becomes known to the world, they will lose everything. And they are ready for anything so that no one will ever see their real face. But there is a man who knows their secret and who intends to make their life hell.
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