
原名:Два холма   又名:未来新世界

状态:561播放   更新:2023-06-17 09:06:11

如果由于生物战,几乎所有男性人口都会死亡,会发生什么?女性会悲伤(在短时间内),然后她们将团结起来,创造一个更美好的新世界——拥有生态城镇、可再生能源、为所欲为的机会,甚至是科学和生物黑客,甚至是瑜伽和自我发展。现在通过人工授精进行繁殖,新世界只有女孩出生。   但并不是每个人都喜欢这样的世界秩序。一些忠于他们的幸存男女前往废弃的城市生活,开始偷电,享受自由和传统的性爱。当来自生态城市“两山”的拉达老师在外面遇到年轻的“灵长类动物”赫拉时,理想安排的女性世界的安宁受到了威胁。What will happen if, as a result of biological warfare, almost the entire male population dies out? Women will grieve (for a short time), and then they will unite and create a new better world - with eco-towns, renewable energy, opportunities to do whatever they want, even science and biohacking, even yoga and self-development. Reproduction now occurs by artificial insemination, and only girls are born in the new world.
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