家族企业 第二季

原名:Family Business   又名:大麻咖啡馆

状态:6集全/已完结   更新:2023-09-03 11:09:24

35 岁的约瑟夫头脑里能蹦出各种各样的商业点子…即使他仅仅是在父亲杰拉德的店里做一名犹太屠夫。当从“安全的”来源获悉大麻即将合法化时,他突然间有了灵感。在家人和朋友的帮助下,他绝佳的商业计划得以实现:将家族屠宰铺变成一家大麻咖啡馆…A year on and the family are still in business supplying weed. Aïda has triplets but is not entirely happy with Joseph and Gérard is trying to kick the dope habit and is making new friends. Joseph breaks some news to Jaurés.
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