"The X Files" SE 6.18 Milagro

原名:   又名:X档案 6.18 爱情小说

状态:6播放   更新:2023-09-03 04:09:22

暗恋Scully的小说家为了接近Scully,在小说中创作了完美的犯罪,小说中的杀手来到现实中执行了这些罪行。在了解到Scully心有所属后,小说家不知如何结尾了,而小说中的杀手告诉他应该杀死Scully。An introverted writer, Philip Padgett, develops an obsession with Scully and moves into Mulder's building in order to be closer to her. Inspired by her, Padgett writes his magnum opus: a story of secret love and serial murder, featuring Scully and Padgett as main characters. However, the murders in his story begin occurring exactly as written. As he struggles to finish his novel, Padgett realizes that only Scully's death can produce the perfect ending.
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