故事发生在风景如诗如画的加拿大落基山脉一代,在一处偏远的小村庄里,居住着吉姆(蒂姆·罗斯Tim Roth 饰)和他的家人们。小镇上关系网简单,民风淳朴,在偌大而又混乱的世界中,这里宛如世外桃源般的充满了幸福和宁静。   然而,这宁静终于还是迎来了被打破的那一天,石油精炼厂的建立让一大批外来人员进驻小镇,随之而来的是毒品和色情网络的建立营运。吉姆顽固的抵抗着这一切,却想不到自己的举动为家人们迎来了杀身之祸。而这一切都和幕后的黑手布拉德绍夫人(克里斯蒂娜·亨德里克斯 Christina Hendricks 饰)有着千丝万缕的关联。家人是吉姆的底线,当这底线被触及,他隐藏的黑暗人格和灰暗过往开始渐渐浮出水面。A British Police Officer becomes the New Chief of Police and moves his family to the Canadian Rockies. But as new faces appear around the sleepy town and a sudden big Oil Company and the promise of big money coming in, the small Canadian town begins to see violence and crime erupt. After tragedy strikes, secrets emerge and the fight begins. Welcome to Little Big Bear.
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