
原名:Honey, I Blew Up the Kid   又名:豆钉小灵精II:BB大晒(台) / 豆钉小精灵

状态:高清   更新:2024-01-08 11:01:36

三年后,科学家韦恩·斯萨林斯基(里克·莫拉尼斯Rick Moranis饰)一家人搬到内华达州的滨海社区,继续他的电磁分子研究。三年前,他曾经因为操作不当把孩子们的身体“缩小”了,闹出了一连串啼笑皆非的故事。而这次,糊涂韦恩仍旧重蹈覆辙,大摆乌龙。在一次实验过程中,只有两岁的小儿子亚当,居然被“变大”了。小亚当只要一接触电流,身体就会不停的长大。一家人展开了挽救行动,可这根本跟不上小亚当的变大速度。转眼间,小亚当已经长成足有3500公分的巨婴。而更麻烦的是,小亚当居然跑上了街头,朝着赌城拉斯维加斯走去,于是他的奇妙大冒险就这样开始了。   小亚当能否缩小回正常婴儿的大小,乌龙科学家韦恩又是否能再次摆脱囧境,一家团聚呢?Wayne Szalinski is at it again. But instead of shrinking things, he tries to make a machine that can make things grow. As in the first one, his machine isn't quite accurate. But when he brings Nick & his toddler son Adam to see his invention, the machine unexpectedly starts working. And when Adam comes right up to the machine, he gets zapped along with his stuffed bunny. Now, whenever Adam comes near anything electrical, the electricity causes him to grow. Adam soon starts to grow to the height of over 100 feet. And he is now walking through Las Vegas which he thinks is one big play land.
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