
原名:   又名:火影忍者

状态:226播放   更新:2023-09-03 11:09:55

好莱坞有望把《火影忍者》拍成真人电影:狮门影业正在谈这个项目,还找新人导演迈克尔·格雷西执导,前漫威影业CEO阿维·阿拉德的阿拉德制作公司制作。Twelve Years, the Nine-Tails attacked The Hidden Leaf Village, destroying much of the village and taking many lives. The leader of the village, the Fourth Hokage sacrificed his life to seal the Nine-Tails into a newborn, Naruto Uzumaki. Orphaned by the attack, Naruto was shunned by the villagers, who out of fear and anger, viewed him as the Nine-Tails itself. Though the Third Hokage outlawed speaking about anything related to the Nine-Tails, the children, taking their cues from their parents, inherited the same animosity towards Naruto. In his thirst to be acknowledged, Naruto vowed he would one day become the greatest Hokage the village had ever seen.
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