
原名:Beowulf   又名:战狼

状态:241播放   更新:2024-03-15 11:03:58

贝奥武夫是个半人半神的勇士,为了征服被邪魔附身的内在狂爆野性,他必须不断与恶魔抗争。他冲破重重包围,来到一个神秘险恶的城堡,在此地迎接他的宿命……   这城堡中住着堡主罗斯卡和他美丽的女儿凯拉。这座城堡深受恐惧包围:外面有敌人环伺,城堡内则被邪魔葛兰道侵占,它是由恶魔及人类共生的凶残后代,他每晚利用城堡墙上的猎捕陷阱,捕抓人类作为牺牲品。   贝奥武夫为了拯救自己的灵魂,及城堡内千万人的性命,与恶魔葛兰道做殊死战,帮助城堡里的人抵抗恶魔……This post-apocalyptic future story is based on the 8th century Saxon epic poem about the knight who battled a monster in a medieval castle. In this story, Beowulf is a wanderer who learns about a man-eating creature called Grendel which comes in the night to devour warriors trapped at the Outpost. The Outpost is ruled by Hrothgar. He has a daughter, whose husband may have been murdered by the Outpost's master of arms.
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