一边:葛雷博死后,斯巴达克斯和部下带领的克雷斯、甘尼克斯和艾力冈等带领下的奴隶起义军在向罗马进军的途中取得连续的胜利。解放后获得自由的奴隶们大多加入了这支军队,使得整个奴隶起义军的力量越发壮大。一步一步地威胁着罗马的统治。   在这种形势下,斯巴达克斯比以前更坚信能拿下罗马;阿苏尔死后有意卸甲归田的妮维雅和克雷斯也重新找到了为之战斗的精神力量;反倒是甘尼克斯开始沉溺在糜烂的床上生活,和美女蛇萨莎搞在了一起。   另一边:罗马元老院得到了财主克拉苏的援助。克拉苏是一个有勇有谋的人物,他懂的吸取前人的经验,并且尊重对手。加上年轻且战场经验丰富的凯撒加盟,克拉苏和斯巴达克斯的战争迫在眉睫。   总之,《斯巴达克斯:亡者之役》将会带来你未曾见过的传奇史诗之旅。Furius and Cossinius can't capture the rebel slaves army, nor properly keep their plans secret. Realizing hiding will be much harder in winter, Spartacus decides to capture a town. First he and a trusted band sneak up to the commanders' hideout villa to slay them. The senate fears Rome itself may be endangered but lacks funds and men to mount a suitably large army. So Metellus turns to immensely rich, ambitious Marcus Crassus, who accepts, to eager son Tiberius's frustration without even negotiating an accordingly exalted status or mandate, and continuous private sparring with a dearly paid gladiator, whom he ends up killing in a fair duel. Spartacus's victory unwittingly plays into Crassus's hand, as he now formally 'inherits' sole command.
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