
原名:ラッキーセブン   又名:幸运之七人 / Lucky Seven / Lucky 7

状态:完结   更新:2024-02-05 09:02:26

自称自由职业者的时多骏太郎(松本润 饰)终日无所事事,四处闲逛,间或勾引人妻玩乐。某天,他在和不伦对象约会时遭到侦探偷拍,搅了他的桃花局,却也借此机缘盲打误撞加入了干练女性藤崎瞳子(松岛菜菜子 饰)经营的北品川Lucky侦探社。这里聚集着旭淳平(大泉洋 饰)、新田辉(瑛太 饰)、水野飞鸟(仲里依纱 饰)等语多机锋、个性张扬且充满活力的青年侦探。   因之前的桃色事件,骏太郎和新田成为一对意见和办案风格完全相左的冤家,而经常好心办坏事的淳平又令一桩桩案子的解决过程充满不确定。没有故作深沉的老练面孔,只有充满活力的全速冲刺,幸运七人组迸发出激烈的火花……7 detectives, each with their own unique style in problem solving, work at the same detective agency. Each detective is in charge of their own case file until one day, the cases somehow seem to tangle up together into one big mystery. Inevitably, the detectives are left with no choice but to team up together in tackling the intriguing, but complex mystery. Despite differing opinions and amidst complications, the detectives work together to unravel the truth behind the suspect's agenda.