
原名:昨日的記憶   又名:When Yesterday Comes

状态:国语标清   更新:2023-09-03 06:09:49

《昨日的記憶》是由台灣最頂尖的年輕導演所分別執導的四段關懷失智老人的短篇故事,包含姜秀瓊的《迷路》描寫張震在街頭奔走尋找失智爺爺,卻與舊愛隋棠重逢,在所有人事已非的風景中,他們怎樣找回那些散失的片刻?而在生命中真正迷途的又是誰?何蔚庭的《我愛恰恰》從阿茲海默症患者視角出發,描寫失智老先生丁強在公園散步巧遇初戀情人馬之秦,當重逢變成首遇,最後的愛便像是初戀。沈可尚的《通電》疼惜那些背負生命重擔而不輕易言退的鬥士們,描述一直以為自己還是歌星的失智婆婆和心力交瘁的媽媽李烈,在女兒郭采潔的妙計之下如何找到新窗口。陳芯宜的《阿霞的掛鐘》將失智老人、與城市空間記憶的消失做聯結,感受老人面對快速變化的心境。Following the widespread praise for Bei yi wang de shi guang (2010), another film was made in 2012 to spread awareness and understanding of senile dementia and the plight of the elderly. Again produced for the Taiwan Catholic Foundation of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia, When Yesterday Comes is an omnibus of four shorts by emerging filmmakers Wi Ding Ho (Pinoy Sunday (2009)), Ko-shang Shen (Zhu li ye (2010)), Hsiu-Chiung Chiang (Cheng zhe guang ying lu xing (2009)), and Singing Chen (Yi xi zhi di (2009)). Well-known Taiwan actors like Chen Chang, Sonia Sui, Amber Kuo, Lieh Lee, Huan-Ru Ke, Chiang Ting, and veterans Pao-Ming Ku and Ai-Chen Tan spared their time to appear in the meaningful feature. In Hsiu-Chiung Chiang's "Healing", Chen Chang takes to the streets to look for his grandfather who has wandered off, and unexpectedly runs into a past lover (Sonia Sui). Wi Ding Ho's "Wake Up in a Strange Bed" looks at the world from the perspective of an Alzheimer's patient (Chiang...
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