
原名:Call Me on Tuesday   又名:Fatal Call / 桃色殺"機"(台)

状态:133播放   更新:2023-09-03 05:09:03

米奇離鄉背井來到大都市開啟新生活,在酒吧邂逅了艾咪,殊不知對方臨走前一句「打電話給我」,成了他惹禍上身的開端。兩人發生關係不久後,米奇便發現艾咪不但是有夫之婦,還是黑道的女人,但仍選擇相信艾咪,並答應要協助她逃離充斥暴力的生活。某日,艾咪忽然失蹤,她的丈夫慘遭謀殺,所有證據都指向米奇…。Leaving his small-town roots to start a new life, Mitch meets the beautiful and seductive Amy at a happy hour and begins a tantalizing romance. Before long, Mitch learns that nothing is as it appears and, unable to trust anyone, finds himself on a nightmarish roller coaster ride, accused of murder and running from the law and a mysterious stranger out to kill him. Surviving by quick thinking and his wits, Mitch must confront both his past and present and find a solution before time runs out!
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