
原名:지고는 못살아   又名:宁死不输

状态:18集全   更新:2024-02-05 11:02:36

《绝不认输》讲述了一对律师夫妇在离婚的过程中发生的让人又哭又笑的故事。尹相炫和崔智友将在剧中饰演夫妇,此外,包括金正泰,朴元淑,赵美玲等在内的华丽阵容和李秀景等明星的友情客串都令本剧值得期待。Korea's biggest Hallyu star Choi Ji Woo ( Winter Sonata ) and the one and only \"Oska\" Yoon Sang Hyun ( Secret Garden ) come together in this drama about two married divorce lawyers who butt heads in and out of the courtroom. Lee Eun Jae and Yeon Hyung Woo fell in love at first sight without knowing much about each other. After a romantic meeting at a baseball game, the two quickly marry, but as all whirlwind marriages go, the spark fizzles quickly, and things soon begin to fall apart for these two mis-matched divorce lawyers. When their married friends come running to them begging for divorces, Eun Jae and Hyung Woo begin to wonder if divorce may be the best solution for their problems as well. Money and career tensions fuel the already raging fire and soon regret abounds for their hurried love affair.