
原名:ベン・トー   又名:Ben To / 便当

状态:已完结   更新:2023-09-03 07:09:56

某天,有個名叫佐藤洋的貧窮高中生走進超市,看到了半價出售的便當,   就在他伸手準備拿取之際,卻頓時被有如風暴般的「某種東西」一撞,回過神就發現自己已經倒在地上了。   原來這裡是為了爭奪半價便當而展開熾熱混戰的戰場!佐藤受到此種超乎想像的戰爭深深吸引,   因此試著與同在超市的同學‧白粉花聯手奪取半價便當,卻被突然現身的美女「寒冰魔女」打得體無完膚,   接著,那位女性對佐藤說出了……Sato Yo is an ordinary high school boy who likes playing games on his SEGA console. One day when he decided to buy bento for dinner at the local grocery store, he suddenly lost consciousness. When he finally came to, he had no memory of what happened and no idea his life was about to change.