
原名:スイートプリキュア♪   又名:Suite Precure♪ / 组曲美丽祭师♪ / 光之美少女:美乐天使(港)

状态:38播放   更新:2023-12-06 10:12:50

在充满音乐风情的城市-加音町成长的青梅竹马北条响和南野奏,虽然升上国中后的二人个性总是不合,但却因着相同的兴趣“音乐”而有了连结。某天响与奏正巧在旧歌剧院撞见时,音乐王国“大调岛”的精灵-哈咪出现了,为了不让“小调岛”的敌人继续将传说的乐谱中“幸福的旋律”变成“不幸的旋律”音符,所以找寻能够以“高音谱记号”变身为光之美少女的响与奏。以二人合而为一的正义之心,一齐找寻飞散到人间的旋律音符,和小调岛的敌人来场音符抢夺战!In a place called Major Land, the "Melody of Happiness" is due to be played, spreading happiness throughout the world. However, an evil man named Mephisto steals the Legendary Score, plotting to turn it into the "Melody of Sorrow" to spread sadness across the land. Aphrodite, the queen of Major Land, scatters the Notes that make up the Legendary Score into the human world and sends a fairy named Hummy to Kanon Town in order to recover them. There, Hummy meets two girls, Hibiki Hojo and Kanade Minamino, who are chosen to become the Suite Pretty Cures in order to recover the missing Notes and protect everyone's happiness.
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