
原名:もし高校野球の女子マネージャーがドラッカーの『マネジメント』を読んだら   又名:如果高中棒球队女子经理读了彼得·德鲁克 / もしドラ / Moshidora / What If a Female Manager of a High School Baseball Team Read Drucker's "Management"

状态:完结   更新:2023-09-03 07:09:42

热爱棒球的美丽少女川岛南(日笠陽子 配音)是东京都立程久保高中的二年级学生,她自小学时代的好朋友宫田夕纪(花澤香菜 配音)则担任该校棒球部的经理。可惜程高棒球部是一支万年垫底队伍,他们往往在第一轮就被淘汰,“进军甲子园”更是想都不敢想的事情。加上教练指挥不力、队员沟通不畅、训练消极怠工,程高棒球部破罐破摔。适值此时,夕纪因病住院,为了免去好友的忧虑,小南自告奋勇接替经理人的职务。在被球队事务搅得心烦意乱的时候,她得到了管理学大师彼得·杜拉克的名著《管理学:任务,责任,实践》。凭借这本书,小南带领着万年垫底队向着甲子园奋勇前进……   本片根据岩崎夏海的同名管理学原著改编。Minami joins her High School baseball team as a team manager after finding out that her best friend Yuuki is in the hospital and can't be a team manager any more. In order to try to fill in for Yuuki and to help out the team the best she can, she goes out to find a book on how to manage a baseball team. Unfortunately, she accidentally buys Peter Drucker's book called "Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices" which is actually about how to properly manage a business. Because she couldn't return the book, she decides to read it anyway and to try to apply the business management concepts to the baseball team so that way they can go on and win the Nationals.
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