
原名:   又名:恶有恶报

状态:19播放   更新:2023-09-03 10:09:42

阿涅斯是一个漂亮的女人,多少男人都拜倒在其石榴裙下,她却将他们玩弄与股掌之中。阿涅斯命她年轻的情人埃尔维去杀她的前夫吕西安以获得高额的保险金。吕西安死里逃生,并且在医院护士让娜的帮助下,成功戒酒。在埃尔维处了解到真相后,准备对阿涅斯进行还击。一次偶遇,埃尔维对阿涅斯的女儿爱娃一见钟情,但是双方都不知道彼此的身份。爱娃发现一直活在母亲的谎言中,无法原谅母亲,并设计使阿涅斯痛失万贯家财。另外,让娜在照顾吕西安的过程中,结识了埃尔维,对他产生了爱慕之情,但是最终埃尔维回到爱娃的身边,让娜认为一切都是阿涅斯的错,迁怒于她,也打算报复。阿涅斯成为了众矢之的……Adapted from a best-selling novel by Frédéric Dard. Agnès Taride has a closet full of skeletons. A beautiful woman, accustomed to using her body to get what she wants, she persuades her lover to murder her ex-husband for the life insurance money that will otherwise go to her daughter when she reaches her upcoming 18th birthday. The murder attempt goes awry, and not only does the ex survive, but a witness calls on his underworld connections to avenge the attack on his friend. From here, the plot and counter-plot become ever more complicated, with blackmail, kidnap, murder, seduction and suicide on the agenda, and a surprise twist in the ending.
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