
原名:Fire Over Rome   又名:L'incendio di Roma

状态:22播放   更新:2023-09-03 10:09:09

年轻的执政官马库斯·瓦莱里乌斯被派去协助比勒陀利亚卫队队长梅内凯特逮捕并处决尽可能多的基督徒。在搜查地下墓穴时,他在基督徒中惊奇地发现他所爱的女人朱莉娅,她已经秘密皈依了被禁的宗教。他帮助她逃跑,麻烦很快就来了。他的军衔被剥夺,并被流放为角斗士After successfully campaigning in Gaul for seven years, Consul Marcus Valerius arrived back in Rome with his legion. He and his men were looking forward to celebrating their return with families and friends. The fearless warrior expected his Emperor to be pleased with his conquests, but Nero showed little interest. Other priorities were far more important. Nero ordered Marcus to assist Menecrate, the hated leader of the Praetorian Guards, in cleansing the city of its Christian presence but he refused and resigned as consul in protest. He was immediately sentenced to death and his legion disbanded. Marcus Valerius is a valiant soldier and the killing of innocent people goes against all his principals. The former hero now becomes the hunted.
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