
原名:えむえむっ!   又名:

状态:全12集   更新:2023-09-07 01:09:45

表面看来,砂户太郎(福山润 配音)不过是一介普通少年,但在那人畜无害的面孔之下,隐藏着极为扭曲的个性,没错,砂户太郎是那种一旦被女性粗暴对待就会兴奋的浑身发抖的超级受虐狂!砂户太郎一直深深爱恋着被称为“志穗璃公主”(佐藤利奈 配音)的神秘女子,为了成为能够配得上公主的人,砂户太郎决定好好的进行一番自我修炼,就这样,他来到了传说中能够实现愿望的第二义工社。   迎接砂户太郎的,是名为石动美绪(竹达彩奈 配音)的金发女子,在她娇俏可人的外表之下,隐藏着专横跋扈残暴无理的一面。此外还有外冷内热的紫发少女结野岚子(早见沙织 配音),在一连串匪夷所思的意外事件之后,砂户太郎对于自己是否真的能够完成心愿产生了深深的怀疑。Taro Sado is a masochist and goes to a high school with his male friend Tatsukichi Hayama. Taro falls in love for the first time with a girl and wants to be cured of his masochism so that he can confess his love to her, unaware at the time that she is actually his cross-dressing male friend Tatsukichi, so he goes to the Second Voluntary Club to get help. There he meets Mio Isurugi, a self-proclaimed god, and Arashiko Yuno, the girl who made him a masochist in the first place, however, she has androphobia. The club adviser is the school nurse, Michiru Onigawara. Other characters include Yumi Mamiya, Arashiko's best friend, and the president of the Inventors Club, Noa Hiragi, and her lolicon assistant, Himura Yukinojo.