
原名:Burning Man   又名:燃烧的人 / 浴火男人

状态:HD   更新:2024-02-05 11:02:23

汤姆(马修·古迪 Matthew Goode 饰)是一家海鲜餐厅的厨师,他放荡不羁,孤僻易怒,常常把不同的女人带回家。因为眷恋着妻子的一头卷发,他偏爱和戴着卷发的女人上床。他和儿子住在一起,这个曾经十分幸福的家庭,因为妻子莎拉(博亚娜·科维奇 Bojana Novakovic 饰)的病逝而变得支离破碎。莎拉去世后,按照她的意愿将视网膜移植给一个病人。   汤姆常常从不同的片段中回忆起挚爱的妻子,包括与莎拉二人相处的情景,一家三口温馨的日常生活,以及治疗癌症的那一段痛苦时期。这些不断变换的画面,出现在失去妻子的汤姆面前。导演表示,本片灵感来自于个人经历,他独具风格的拍摄手法表现在摒弃了惯用的平铺直述的拍片方式上,他以不断更换的场景,来表现失去和追忆,以及对于抑郁的宣泄。Sarah Keaton has just passed away following a difficult bout of cancer. She is survived by among others her loving executive chef/restaurateur husband, Tom Keaton, and their eight year old son, Oscar Keaton. The end of the Keatons' marriage was difficult not only because of the cancer itself, but also because they had divergently different views on treatment, and because her early prognosis was positive leading to both not treating the news of her imminent death well. Tom copes recklessly, irresponsibly and angrily in his grief, manifested by among other things indiscriminate casual sex with a multitude of partners. Also negatively affected by Tom's actions is Sarah's sister, Karen, who feels she needs to be the responsible one, especially as Oscar is often a casualty of Tom's irresponsibility. Many of the Keatons' friends and colleagues try to be there for Tom in any way they can, including Miriam, a therapist who is more a friend of a friend. Tom may have to go through much pain before he and by association Oscar can emerge from their grief intact, if Tom emerges from it at all before disaster strikes in his recklessness.
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