
原名:The Land of Heads   又名:Au pays des têtes

状态:92播放   更新:2023-09-07 01:09:05

萧索阴冷的大海中央,耸立着一座像骷髅头一般可怕的黑色小岛。小岛最顶端,一座红顶城堡高耸入云,阴森可怖。在城堡内,住着没有头颅的可怕女王,她消瘦刻薄,冷酷无情。虽然穿着华贵的服装,但是全然感觉不到一丝和善的气息。墙的一角挂着她的头颅,那表情好像随时要把人吃掉一般。每到夜晚的固定时刻,她便叫醒旁边棺材内长着獠牙的仆人。女王无心听仆人演奏的音乐,她命令仆人划船去往附近的小岛,斩掉妙龄女孩的头颅带回来安在自己的脖子上。可是无论仆人付出多么大的努力,女王却根本不满意这些新头颅,这让仆人感觉倍受打击。   直到某天,仆人遇到了一个意外的访客……The moon tells us he's never seen anything like the story of the loveless couple in a castle by the sea. The queen has cut off her head and dispatches her squeeze-box playing husband, who hangs out in a coffin, to find her a new head. He complies, sailing off to a city on a mountain, bringing back one, then two, then four heads. She tries each one on, and her advisor, a sort of witch doctor, advises against each. What will the husband do?
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