
原名:天装戦隊ゴセイジャー   又名:Tenso Sentai Goseiger / 天装戦隊護星者

状态:50集全   更新:2023-09-03 04:09:47

在平常人看不见的空间“护星界”中,居住着一群拥有超能力“护星之力”的“护星天使”,他们遵守着“自己的力量是用于保卫母星地球和人类”这一信条,每当地球陷入危机时,他们便挺身而出。   但在某天,护星天使用于往返“护星界”和“地上界”的工具“天之塔”被宇宙虐灭集团ウォースター破坏,护星天使因此无法前往地球。在ウォースター入侵的阴影下,地球危机一触即发……   幸好在天之塔被破坏前,有五个年轻的护星天使偶然造访地上界。为了保卫地球,停留在地上界的五人组成了“天装战队护星者”。Unknown to the people of Earth, there is a branch of humanity called the Gosei Angels whose mission is to protect the Earth. When the Earth is targeted by an evil alien invasion force called Warstar, they destroy the Heaven's Tower, the bridge between the Earth and the Gosei World, home of the Gosei Angels, to keep them from interfering. Five apprentice Gosei Angels use their powers to defend the earth as the Goseigers
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