
原名:C'è chi dice no   又名:说不

状态:320播放   更新:2023-09-03 02:09:40

三个昔日同学二十年后相聚时,发现各自的生活都被永远存在的“后门人”破坏。马克思是一名有天份的地方日报记者,成为永久雇员的机会却被知名作家的女儿掠走。伊尔玛是医院里最受赏识的医生,本该属于她的工作合同却被主治医生的新女友夺走。萨缪埃尔是刑法方面的天才,经过多年实习,梦寐以求、唾手可得的交椅却被毫无能力的老板女婿窃取。十年的寒窗苦读对他们来说瞬时变得毫无意义,他们决定用自己的方式做些什么,搅乱“后门人”的生活,直到情况变得越来越难以控制……Three former school friends meet after twenty years and realize that they pursued a common enemy: the recommended. Max (Argentero Luke) is a reporter for talent in a local newspaper that was forced to round to write the most unlikely of magazines, came a step away from much needed employment is undermined by the daughter of a famous writer. Irma (Paola Cortellesi), despite being one of the most respected doctors of the hospital, lives with scholarships, and just when the contract is for the favorite is the new girlfriend of the primary.
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