火星生活 第二季

原名:Life on Mars   又名:在别处 第二季 / 异度人生 第二季 / 回转干探 第二季 / 超時空警探(台)

状态:2   更新:2023-09-07 12:09:20

第一季末尾,Sam见到了33年前的父亲,企图通过挽留父亲让一切恢复正常,但结果却让他大失所望。第二季Sam将继续寻找真相,本季结尾也将为Sam的时光之旅作出一个交代,他究竟是昏迷,发疯,还是真的回到了过去?而他与女警Annie Cartwright的感情又将何去何从?Sam is experiencing visions and pains that suggest that his life is in danger in 2006. At the same time, he runs into the younger version Tony Crane, a twenty-first century killer who Sam helped to convict. Sam comes to believe that Crane has escaped justice in 2006 and has come to wreak revenge on his comatose nemesis by torturing him...to death.
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