绝命毒师 第二季

原名:Breaking Bad   又名:绝命毒师 第二季 / 制毒师 第二季 / 致命毒师 第二季

状态:第13集   更新:2024-02-05 12:02:40

和图可(雷蒙德·克鲁兹 Raymond Cruz 饰)之间的冲突让沃尔特(布莱恩·科兰斯顿 Bryan Cranston 饰)与杰西(亚伦·保尔 Aaron Paul 饰)明白了毒品行业之中的危险与血腥,而图可的死亡亦让“师徒”二人失去了唯一的出货渠道,霎时间,沃尔特陷入了手中有货却无销路的窘境之中。杰西决定通过自己的朋友们来扩展销售渠道,虽然短时间内收获颇丰,但接踵而至的意外让杰西明白,这并非长远之举。   沃尔特和妻子斯凯勒(安娜·古恩 Anna Gunn 饰)之间的关系开始变得越来越紧张,而沃尔特癌症的好转为两人的感情带来了一丝希望。杰西遇见了名为简(克里斯滕·丽特 Krysten Ritter 饰)的女房东,两人情愫渐生,可是,简曾经也是一位“瘾君子”,和杰西在一起,她的命运又会何去何从呢?Having completed their deal with Tuco in the junkyard, Walt and Jesse realize just how crazy and violent he can be. Jesse is convinced that he's seen Tuco's black SUV going up and down his street. Walt puts it down to paranoia - until he sees a black SUV parked just down the block from his house. Jesse's solution is to shoot Tuco before he kills them but Walt has a better idea. Panic sets in however when they think Tuco is killing his associates. Hank reviews the security surveillance footage of the warehouse break-in without realizing it's Walt and Jesse. Skyler tells Hank about Marie's shoplifting and gets a surprising reaction.