
未知 俄罗斯  2021  俄语 

原名:Kris+Tina   又名:

状态:118播放   更新:2023-06-17 08:06:39

On Instagram Kris finds a post from her ex-boyfriend Sergei – who died five years ago in a car crash. She decides to track him down and finds not only her ex, but another version of herself – the confident and successful Tina.Kris works as a shop assistant in a pet shop located in the uptown, but she used to dream of becoming a vet. The girl refuses to take the future into her own hands and trusts any choice of the coin given by her dad. She has high hopes for the upcoming vacation with her boyfriend, but everything goes wrong immediately. Kris meets her ex along with the other version of herself - self-confident and successful Tina whose life is completely different. Which one is the real Kristina?
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