
原名:荒ぶる季節の乙女どもよ。   又名:骚动时节的少女们啊真人版

状态:完结+SP   更新:2024-02-05 09:02:39

描述和纱参加的五位社员组成的文艺社,在一次读书会以「死前想做的事」为主题的讨论时,在某位社员冒出「SEX」这个字像咒语一样,5人的思绪焦点从此开始围绕在性团团转的故事。Five high school girls have opted for the literature club as their extracurricular activity. They are not exactly popular or respected for it, but they participate, remain active and read nonetheless. Despite not being experienced or being in a relationship romance is not far from their minds and so related books and discussions come up.