
原名:老郭梦工厂   又名:Uncle Guo's Dreamworks

状态:37播放   更新:2023-06-17 05:06:06

作为一个参加过艺考的过来人,郭姜大学毕业后,选择进入“艺考培训”这个行业。他对自己的角色定位:既是教育工作者,也是商人,不过大多数时候,他喜欢以“郭老师”的身份出现。郭老师施展拳脚的舞台,是某个位于河南中部的小县城,这里也是他的家乡。此纪录片拍的正是郭姜的事业和生活:在即将步入社会的学生眼里,他有时更像“郭老板”;曾经的合作伙伴,因为利益纠葛,如今已分道扬镳;躲在明处或暗处的竞争对手,让他神经紧绷;如何处理自己与合作伙伴的关系,如何与明处或暗处的竞争对手过招,如何在婚姻大事上应对父母,至于那个已经进入谈婚论嫁阶段的前女友,更让他绞尽脑汁以至心身疲惫……一切都像是玩弄心术的游戏,其中滋味只有当事人清楚。总之,徘徊在欲望和所谓的理想之间,坚守还是放任,他需要做出选择。Guo Jiang is a person who has participated in the art test and he graduated from college and chose to enter the industry of \"art training\". He positions his role as both an educator and a businessman, but most of the time, he likes to appear as \" Teacher Guo\". Guo's stage of showing his fists is a small county in central Henan, which is also his hometown. This documentary film is Guo Jiang's career and life, including how he handles his students (clients), how to deal with his relationship with partners, how to deal with competitors, how to deal with marriage matters. How to respond to the parents, as for the ex-girlfriend who has already entered the stage of marriage, let him rack his brains and even exhausted his body - Everything is like a game, only the one playing can understand the feeling. In short, between desire and the \"ideal\", stick to it or let it go, he needs to make a choice.
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