
原名:Perevodchik   又名:Переводчик

状态:50播放   更新:2023-06-17 06:06:22

化学老师安德烈·彼得罗维奇·斯塔里科夫的绰号是“查理·卓别林”,与妻子和母亲住在一起的老房子里,杂乱无章的国际人士聚集在那里:乌克兰人,俄罗斯人,犹太人和亚美尼亚人。但是德国人的到来极大地改变了他们的生活,为了拯救亲人,查理被迫在纳粹总部担任翻译。This is a story of a regular man becoming a hero. Andrey Petrovich Starikov, a chemistry teacher nicknamed \"Charlie\", lives with his wife and mother in an old house. This house is inhabited by people of many nations. Among them there are the Russians, the Ukrainians, the Jews, the Tartars and the Armenians. But when the Nazis enter the city, the civilians's lives change. To save his family and friends, \"Charlie\" has to work as a translator for the Nazis...
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