
原名:魔女の旅々   又名:Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina

状态:12集全   更新:2024-02-05 12:02:40

改编自白石定规原作的同名轻小说,讲述了虽然年纪轻轻,但已经成为魔法使的最高阶的“魔女”的才女伊蕾娜,作为旅人在全世界自由旅行的故事。The anime centers on a girl named Elaina. When she was a kid, she loved reading books. And among all the books she read, there was a series called 'Niike's Adventure', which was her favorite. It was a collection of short stories about the witch Niike's adventures around the whole world, based off of the writer's own life experience. Elaina liked Niike's adventures so much that starting her own adventure became her all life's dream.
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