
原名:射雕英雄传   又名:08版射雕 / 新射雕英雄传

状态:武林民族英雄故事   更新:2024-02-05 12:02:55

南宋时期,君臣昏聩,朝政日衰,大金国虎视眈眈,而蒙古雄鹰成吉思汗表面联宋伐金,暗地则蕴酿着一统江山的野心。从小在蒙古草原长大、受江南七怪教授武艺的忠良之后郭靖(胡歌 饰),18岁时遵师命南下,以践和杨康(袁弘 饰)比武的约定,还要找到杀父仇人报仇。路上他偶遇“东邪”黄药 师(黄秋生 饰)之女黄蓉(林依晨 饰),从此相伴闯荡江湖。到了江南郭靖一行方知当年杨铁心(翁家明 饰)之后杨康已经成了金国小王子,金国正在招揽天下能人高手效力,妄图一统江山。身负国仇家很的郭靖因心地纯良得到许多高人帮助和赏识,机缘巧合之下被丐帮帮主洪七公(梁家仁 饰)传授降龙十八掌,又在老顽童周伯通(李彧 饰)处习得九阴真经,渐渐由一个傻小子成长为一代大师……When their husbands are killed by the Song Army, two pregnant women escape to foreign lands and both give birth to boys who are very different from each other. Guo Jing (Hu Ge) is a strong but dull-headed young man who grows up on the Mongolian prairie. Yang Kang (Justin Yuan) is a smart and skilled you man who is raised as the son of Wanyan Hong Lie (Guo Liang), a successor of the Jin Empire. The worlds of these two men collide when their respective martial arts masters make a secret pact, while their lives are further complicated by the love of two women, Huan Rong (Ariel Lin) and Mu Nian Ci (Liu Shi Shi).