
原名:Il campione   又名:意甲坏孩子(港) / 我的冠軍教練(台)

状态:257播放   更新:2023-09-03 07:09:40

极具天赋、年轻气盛、自由散漫却依旧备受宠爱的克里斯蒂安是个名副其实的“冠军”,这位摇滚巨星般闪耀的天才球员吸引着全世界无数球迷的目光。相比之下,瓦莱里奥是一位孤独而羞涩的文哲教授,饱受经济问题和过往阴影的困扰。在克里斯蒂安又一次“搞砸”自己的生活后,俱乐部经理决定给他请一位私人导师,帮助他管理那火爆的脾气,并要求他通过一个同龄男性应遵循的基本前提——成熟度测试。对这截然不同的两人而言,起初总免不了有一些摩擦。然而,他们之间很快就建立了一种促进彼此成长和改变的纽带。Christian is an extremely talented as well as unpredictable football player. After his latest screw-up, the president of his team decides to assign him a personal tutor, to help him in controlling his temper. Valerio is a shy and solitary professor, the exact opposite of the champion. Sparks will fly between the two at first, but soon their relationship will change both for the better.
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