
原名:El cuento de las comadrejas   又名:无定向丧心老友记(港) / The Weasel's Tale

状态:463播放   更新:2023-09-03 10:09:27

四个风华不再、年逾古稀的演艺界老友共同住在一所大房子里。他们分别是电影导演、电影编剧、著名女演员以及她的丈夫,彼此靠着回忆往事过活。而一对年轻的小夫妻看上了他们的房子,企图欺骗他们卖掉房子,以便开发房地产项目。老友们能守护住自己的房子吗?A group of four old friends conformed by a film director, a film writer, an actress and her husband share a big house in the country. Their coexistence is menaced by a young couple who resourcefully and deceitfully seek to get them to sell the house to develop a real estate project of their own.
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