
原名:柳青   又名:LIUQING

状态:HD   更新:2023-09-17 02:09:19

影片真实再现了五六十年代,新中国百废待兴,全国开展了轰轰烈烈的社会主义农村合作化运动。青年作家柳青辞掉北京优渥的干部待遇,他决心亲自参与实践,创作一部反映社会主义人民集体创业的史诗巨著。柳青举家落户在皇甫村的一所破庙里,他深入农村建设一线,扎根人民十四年,历经各种运动, 面对农业合作社建设的各种困境,他铁肩担道义,和农民一起开辟了社会主义事业在农村的新局面,在各种困境中创作出《创业史》第一部,一经发表,轰动全国。就在他雄心勃勃展开第二部创作时,一场更大的风暴席卷而来,面对人生的磨难,他不忘初心,最终用一生书写了一段艰苦卓绝的社会主义创业史。Young writer Liu Qing resigned from the excellent cadre treatment in Beijing and was determined to personally participate in practice, creating an epic masterpiece that reflects the collective entrepreneurship of the socialist people. Liu Qing and his family settled in a dilapidated temple in Huangfu Village. He went deep into the front line of rural construction and rooted himself in the people for fourteen years. After various movements and facing various difficulties in the construction of agricultural cooperatives, he firmly shouldered the moral responsibility and worked with farmers to open up a new situation for the socialist cause in rural areas.
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