
原名:信仰者   又名:The Faithful

状态:HD   更新:2023-09-03 06:09:57

方志敏率领红十军团直插国民党腹地。谭家桥一战,由于军团长刘畴西刚愎自用,战况急转直下,方志敏等将领在怀玉山先后被俘。在狱中,方志敏等人和敌人坚决斗争。刘畴西更是对所犯错误悔恨不已,造成红十军团全军覆没。劝降无济于事,蒋介石下令枪毙方志敏。你们只能砍下我的头,绝不会动摇我的信仰。信仰者们被带上刑场……\"The Faithful\" tells the story of Fang Zhimin, a Communist Party member in the 1930s' who got arrested by the National Government but continued to fight in jail and displayed the noble character, awe-inspiring righteousness and strong faith a Communist Party member should have. \"Li Baoguo\" tells the story of Li Baoguo, a Communist Party member who worked in the field of scientific research, spent 35 years in the wilderness to perform plantation reformation and made achievements great enough to get his hometown fellows rich. He was so dedicated that he was still working the day before he died of heart attack. He was posthumously honoured as an Excellent Party Member.
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