
原名:封神榜   又名:爱子情深

状态:第40集   更新:2024-02-10 11:02:52

商朝末年,纣王无道,荒废朝政,民不聊生。商朝四大名将之一李靖(元华饰)之妻殷十娘(苑琼丹饰)产子,诞下的竟是一枚肉球。李靖认定这是妖孽降世,挥剑劈开肉球后,里面竟是一个两岁的小孩哪吒(陈浩民饰)。十娘护子心切,将哪吒送往女娲庙抚养。后结识杨戬(钱嘉乐饰)和雷震子(李家声饰),三人初入江湖。杨戬之妹杨莲花(叶璇饰)对哪吒一见钟情。然而纣王终日沉溺美色,宠信苏妲己(温碧霞饰),生灵涂炭。姜子牙率领哪咤、雷震子和杨戬等人,说服文王相助,扶保武王率兵伐纣。在众人的合力之下,共伐无道。   家喻户晓的中国古代名著《封神榜》,已被两岸三地的影视界多次搬上大荧幕。本部由香港TVB于2001年底拍摄的40集古装电视剧《封神榜》,不但起用了大量香港一线明星担任主演,还融入了大量动作、搞笑等娱乐元素,可谓推陈出新。本剧再度演绎经典故事,在2001年首播时就创下收视佳绩。Since time immemorial, the history of China has seen many belligerent and licentious tyrants. King Zhou of the Shang dynasty was one of the most notorious tyrant. His tyranny triggered off an epic legend: King Wu of the Zhou dynasty overthrowing King Zhou of the Shang dynasty. In the fierce battle between good and evil, ancient China was gripped by paroxysms of rage and grief. Countless loyal and valiant warriors were sacrificed. Taking pity on the aggrieved mortals, the Celestial Realm laid the Rostrum of Gods of Honour. The story tells a great number of filial piety as well. Important figures such as Nezha and Daji are mentioned.