
原名:Die Stropers   又名:来了一个男孩之后(台) / 一个男孩来了之后 / 收割者 / The Harvesters

状态:131播放   更新:2023-12-06 10:12:50

南非自由州是南非白人这一少数群体的据点。在这个保守的乡村地区,力量和男性特权依然是当地人尊崇的两个词汇。Janno是个孤僻、内向的小男孩。他的母亲则是位虔诚的基督教徒。一天,母亲将流浪街头的孤儿Pieter带回了家,并要求Janno像弟弟一样接纳他。两个男孩由此展开了一场争夺权利、遗产和双亲之爱的较量。South Africa, Free State region, isolated stronghold to the Afrikaans white ethnic minority culture. In this conservative farming territory obsessed with strength and masculinity, Janno is different, secretive, emotionally frail. One day his mother, fiercely religious, brings home Pieter, a hardened street orphan she wants to save, and asks Janno to make this stranger into his brother. The two boys start a fight for power, heritage and parental love.
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