
原名:Aniara   又名:星艦迷航:阿尼亞拉號

状态:HD   更新:2024-02-05 11:02:23

阿尼亚拉是众多宇宙飞船中的一艘,用于将地球人口运送到他们的新家园火星。但就在安妮亚拉离开被毁坏的地球时,她与一颗小行星相撞,并被击落。安妮亚拉的乘客慢慢意识到,他们永远也回不去了;他们将永远在一个空旷寒冷的宇宙中继续前行。瑞典诺贝尔奖得主哈里·马丁森在1956年写了《安妮拉》。这部小说被翻译成多种语言,包括丹麦语、芬兰语、英语、俄语、捷克语、阿拉伯语、日语和最近的中文。它曾作为歌剧和几部戏剧作品上演,但从未被拍摄过。在安尼亚拉走向毁灭的无情旅程中,有一个警告是不够强调的。只有一个地球。我们只有一次生命。因此,我们必须对自己的行为负责,不断地保护我们的环境和人类。如果我们不这样做,地球很快就会变成。。。Aniara is the story of one of the many spaceships used for transporting Earth's population to their new home-planet Mars. But just as Aniara leaves the ruined Earth, she collides with an asteroid and is knocked off her course. Aniara's passengers slowly realize that they'll never be able to return; they will continue onwards through an empty and cold universe forever. The Swedish Nobel prize winner Harry Martinsson wrote Aniara in 1956. The novel has been translated into a number of different languages, including danish, finnish, english, russian, czech, arabic, japanese and most recently chinese. It has been staged as opera and several theatrical productions, but has never before been filmed. In Aniara's inexorable journey towards destruction there is a warning that cannot be emphasized enough. There's only one Earth. We have only one life. So, we have to take responsibility for our actions and constantly guard our environment and our humanity. If we don't, Earth will soon be a ...
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