
原名:红楼梦   又名:新版红楼梦 / The Dream of Red Mansions

状态:50集全   更新:2024-02-10 11:02:52

巍巍皇城,紫气东来。贾史王薛四大家族,尽享泼天财富,却不知富贵终有尽,屋子沉湎于纸醉金迷之中,不愿苏醒。在荣国府,含玉而生的公子哥贾宝玉(杨洋 饰)与好姐妹们无忧无虑地成长,吟诗作赋,猜谜烹肉,兼带诌些感时伤怀的矫情文字。他与妹妹林黛玉(蒋梦婕 饰)两小无猜,互有所属,然几番试探,倒惹得误会连连。繁花烂漫、歌舞升平的大观园,锁不住那心底的寂寞,护不住那嫩蕊芳沁,儿女情长何处寻,生离死别自悲吟,一任如花美眷为暴风雨摧残凋零,好一似食尽鸟投林,落得白茫茫大地真干净……   本片根据中国古典四大名著之一的《红楼梦》改编。Based on the mid-eighteenth century novel by Cao Xueqin, and taken from editors Cheng Weiyuan and Gao E's adaptation of the novel, this TV-series is a remake of the 1987 version by CCTV. It is a story about the love between fun-loving and carefree Jia Baoyu and sensitive and ill health-prone Lin Daiyu. It is also about the feudal ruling class system through the prosperity and decline of the four notable families of Jia, Xue, Wang and Hsueh. To prepare for the visit of Baoyu's sister, Imperial Consort Jia Yuanchun, Grand View Garden was installed in the family compound. Baoyu and his siblings and cousins later attend school and spend quality time there; much of the series' course of events take place in the Garden.
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