
原名:おせん   又名:Osen

状态:完结   更新:2024-02-05 09:02:19

速食主义已经席卷了全球,日本也不能幸免。但仍然有着“一升庵”愿意细火慢调地为客人烹制可口的料理。江崎由夫(内博贵 Hiroki Uchi 饰)在非常商业化的料理店打工,忍无可忍,为了追求心中完美料理的梦想,他前去一升庵宁愿请求工作。没想到一升庵的老板娘早已不是他孩提时看到的那位,而是她的女儿半田仙(苍井优 Yû Aoi 饰)接手。阿仙最爱沉迷杯中物,这让伙计大为头疼。而早已是掌厨人的江崎由夫来到一升庵后要重头学起,连刀都碰不到,不禁大为沮丧。也曾想过放弃,想离开的时候又放不下阿仙和一升庵 。对于如今的世界 ,一升庵遗世独立追求着自己独立的目标,但现实的黑影已经渐渐逼近,这样的经营方式到底是不是真的可行?阿仙已到了适婚年龄,她一口答应去相亲,着实让江崎由夫大吃一惊,不知不觉中他已经对她着迷。Handa Sen is the "okami" (proprietress) of a long-standing restaurant in one of the lower parts of Tokyo. Though she is normally air-headed and loves to drink, she has an impressive mastery of a wide range skills, from cooking to ceramics to calligraphy. While the drama follows various events surrounding the restaurant, one of the series' highlights is its illustration of Japanese food and culture.