
原名:法医秦明之幸存者   又名:腾讯版法医秦明第一季 / Dr. Qin: Medical Examiner

状态:完结   更新:2024-02-05 11:02:55

龙番市发生连环杀人案,死者均为女性,尸体无一例外的丢失了身体的某一部位。警法五人组不断穿梭于各大案发现场和解剖室中,寻找背后真相。暗黑的屋子,诡异的灯光,整齐摆放的透明玻璃罐里装的竟然是丢失的心脏!接二连三的命案,迷雾重重的案情,秦明将如何为逝者代言,讲述真相?面对不断杀人的凶手,最后的幸存者到底是谁?让秦明自责没有抓到的凶手和本案是否有关联?隐藏在死者身上的十字架和最后那句“十年前那个人回来了”究竟代表了什么?Qin Ming is one of the best medical examiners in the bureau of public security of Longfan. He is the chief of the expert testimony department. He needs to lead his crew to solve all kinds of hard cases with Captain Lin Tao and his men. They fought against the woman who angrily killed her fiance, the man who accidentally caused the death of his ex-wife, the doctor who murdered his girl friend to cover some secrets...As the criminals in Longfan are getting less and less, a murderer that disappeared ten years ago seemed to be back.
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