
剧情  英国   2017  印地语   英语 

原名:Gali Guleiyan   又名:阴影之中 / 阴影中 / In the Shadows

状态:27播放   更新:2023-09-03 07:09:54

坐守著門可羅雀的破落監視器材行,庫杜斯鎮日窩在不見天光的私密暗室內,偷窺著社區中每戶人家的後窗。某天夜裡,他聽到隔牆傳來男童受虐的哀號,切遍每個隱藏鏡頭卻找不到施暴影像。自此,他不惜耗費所有身心精力及僅有的金錢與人脈,只盼能及時營救男童。翻遍大街小巷仍搜尋未果,庫杜斯日漸歇斯底里、瀕臨崩潰,焦慮執念背後隱藏的驚人祕密,也逐漸浮現……。   印度新銳導演魔幻之作,結合拍攝家暴議題紀錄片的經驗,以心理驚悚視角凝視印度社會現實,回望曾與母親生活過的家庭記憶。錯綜複雜、稠密擁擠的舊德里街道宛若龐大迷宮,深深困鎖著生長其中的人們,似乎一旦出世於此,便永無脫離之日。雙線敘事技巧成熟,精采結局始料未及,驚悚氛圍令人聯想到大衛柯能堡的《童魘》。In the walled city of Old Delhi, KHUDDOOS, a lonely man who obsessively watches people through his hidden cameras begins a search for a boy he hears getting beaten up through the walls of his house. The obsession to find the boy taking over the man and the boy's condition going from bad to worse, the man starts to lose grip of time and reality. The story of a man trapped within the walls of an old city and his attempts to break free and to find a human connection.
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