
原名:돈꽃   又名:钱花 / 钱之花 / 金钱花 / Money Bouquet / Money Flower

状态:24集全   更新:2024-02-05 10:02:19

青阿集团战略企划室常务理事姜必洙以聪慧敏锐的头脑和出色的办事能力受到人们的艳羡和嫉妒。他隐瞒自己是青阿集团一家的骨肉,充当青阿一家的走狗,但其实他是“调教主人的狗”。他为了复仇想以爱情为手段,但遇到自由奔放的慕贤后反倒陷入爱情的陷阱。《金钱之花》通过青阿一家的关键人物必洙,一心想获得命中注定的爱情的慕贤,危机四伏的富三代富天,以及富天的秘密情人瑞元之间的四角关系,描写出被金钱支配人们心中的欲望和爱情。"Money Flower" tells the story of people who are driven by greed. Kang Pil-Joo (Jang Hyuk) grew up at an orphanage, but he now works as a managing director of a legal team at a corporation.He is acknowledged for his intelligence and his exemplary job performance.Some of those that work around him are jealous of him. Na Mo-Hyun (Park Se-Young) is an environmental activist and a science teacher at a middle school.She is a good listener and laughs a lot.She dreams of a love driven by fate.