
原名:Malasartes e o Duelo com a Morte   又名:

状态:19播放   更新:2023-09-03 09:09:51

佩德罗(热苏伊塔·巴尔博萨 饰)是个本性善良的流浪汉。他常常浪迹在各个小镇,在陌生人前耍些小把戏博取信任,换得几顿饭食解决当前食不果腹的尴尬局面。因为太过聪颖,引起了死神(儒利奥·安德拉 饰)的注意。死神想给自己放放假,来场说走就走的旅行,于是希望佩德 罗能接他的班。但 是死神得 应付阿福(米尔黑·考塔兹 饰)这个家伙。阿福会竭尽全力阻拦这个花言巧语的骗子向自己漂亮的小女儿阿金( Isis Valverde 饰)求爱。The young Pedro Malasartes (Jesuita Barbosa) is kind of a good-willed vagrant who travels from town to town playing tricks in gullible strangers in order to have a meal or something that he needs at the moment. Being very clever , he draws the attention of Death (Júlio Barbosa) who is willing to take a vacation and wants him to fill in it's place . He will have to deal also with Próspero (Milhem Cortáz) , a guy that will do anything to avoid the happy cheater from wooing his pretty young sister Áurea (Isis Valverde) .
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