
原名:之子于归   又名:Lush Reeds

状态:19播放   更新:2023-09-03 12:09:46

新婚后的记者夏因搬进丈夫家里,因工作或心理不适一直无法整理婚前物品;同事自杀事件对她心理和工作都带来影响,夏因关注的问题不能公开发表,丈夫自行处置夏因的物品,对她的处事方式表示不满,家庭和工作的双重挫折,促使夏因以一个采访任务为由下乡。在农村夏因遇到一个和奶奶相依为命的小女孩小树,小树灵性的而不经意的催眠,让夏因窥见了自己内心深处的黑洞,这次下乡的奇遇让她重新审视自己的处境。The newly-married newspaper reporter Xia Yin's colleague Lu has committed suicide. The apartment is cluttered with various daily objects. Her husband urges her to quickly square them away. The article Xia Yin writes based on the interviews is rejected by her supervisor. The construction worker Gao looking for help, Xia Yin travel to his native place to conduct an interview. The trip acquires an illusory quality, the facts she had taken for granted come are repudiated one by one. She meets a little girl, who later uses her own ways of leading the fatigued Xia Yin into a illusory moment, gaining entrance into an alternate time-space. Xia Yin takes her leave of girl and continues looking for Gao's home. Lost like an errant spirit, Xia Yin can find no way out of the village.
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