
原名:Karsten og Petra blir bestevenner   又名:Casper and Emma - Best Friends / 艾瑪的冒險 小兔兔即刻救援(台)

状态:HD   更新:2024-02-05 10:02:28

凱思的絨毛小獅和艾瑪的絨毛小兔兔都變成真的了,甚至還會和他們聊天!有一天,幼稚園去參觀消防隊,艾瑪的絨毛小兔兔卻在消防隊大樓裡迷路了。艾瑪好傷心,也擔心小兔兔會害怕,幸好有凱思爺爺的聰明狗狗巴薩擔任救援隊長,聞著艾瑪絨毛小兔兔的氣味,帶領艾瑪和凱思進行救援任務!We meet Emma about to celebrate her fifth birthday. What she wants most of all is a dog. But Emmas's mom, who is a vet, says that one must be a little older to take care of a dog. But Emma insists that five years is more than old enough. Casper dreads to start a new daycare. But when he arrives in the kinder garden, he meets Emma. She also has a stuffed animal that comes alive, and from that day Casper and Emma are best friends. They play together all the time, even though Sigrid often teases them. Casper is there when Emma meets the old and very cute dog, Bassa, for the first time.
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